

Time that I lived in.

home village


Brother and Cousin

From age 0 to 18 years
0、At birth was snowing.
1、Walked in the ninth months.
2、Embraced by many people.
3、Dogs, cats, birds and goldfish were.
4、Disliked rubber gloves.
5、Liked building blocks.
6、Dropped out of kindergarten.
7、Schoolchild's satchel was unpleasant.
8、Saw a puppet show.
9、Boobs show in the schoolyard.
10、Made in a mountain hideaway.
11、First time swam in the sea.
12、Drew a big picture.
13、The first love.
14、Table tennis tournament played in Okayama.
15、Junior high school was reduced to ashes.

16、Ran away from home.

17、Went to Tokyo many times.

18、Entered the University of Arts.

Tomorrow is Mother's birthday.